Are Emotional Capitalists the new leaders?
I have just finished reading Emotional Capitalists: The New Leaders by Martyn Newman
The premise of the book is that there is new type of leader emerging who by using Emotional Intelligence will be more successful. The structure of the book is simple; Newman lists seven competencies of the high EQ leader: Self-reliance, Assertiveness, Optimism, Self-actualisation, Self-confidence, Relationship skills, and Empathy and then chapter by chapter describes how the reader can improve these competencies.
Given that steps 3&4 of Goleman’s definition of Emotional Intelligence are Empathy and Relationship skills this two chapters are almost tautological. Newman does make a telling point that no single factor predicts the productivity of an employee more clearly than his or her relationship with a direct supervisor. Given the falls in productivity in Australia over the past five years you could argue that the Industrial Relations system imposed by Federal Government is a bigger factor. However there is no doubt the advice given in Emotional Capitalists that if there is an emotional bond between the employee and manager that is built on trust and respect it is likely the performance of the employee will improve.
However it is with the five other competencies that I have a problem. Here is what Newman says about them:
Self reliance: …the single most important signature strength for creating emotional wealth.
Assertiveness: …comprises being able to communicate your message honestly and directly, while respecting that others may hold a different opinion.
Optimism: is perhaps the important quality you can develop to achieve greater success as a leader.
Self-actualisation: Nothing is more important to your long-term success as a leader than building your stocks of emotional capital in self-actualisation.
Self-reliance: is the most basic foundation of your emotional capital and the source of your personal power.
I must confess when I consider at this list I feel a little sorry for assertiveness.
But my real point is what do these competencies have to do with steps 1&2 of EQ, namely self-analysis of your core emotions and self-management? Goleman’s primary example of EQ is the famous Marshmallow study of Mischel. (You can see a terrific TED talk about it here.) If there is one critical EQ skill in self-management it is the ability to delay self-gratification. Yes the five competencies for leaders listed by Newman are important. A good definition of Emotional Intelligence is the delay between impulse and action. It is the ability to control your emotions that distinguishes the emotionally intelligent leader.
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"Put in a sales perspective, I loved your presentation! I got a lot from what you talked about and I will read your book."
Peter Morris, Executive Officer, Lomax Financial Group
Your presentation on 'Lifting your Level of Emotional Intelligence" to 10 CEOs scored an average 8.9 out of 10 for the topic and 8.5 for the presentation which is great. A couple of the attendees gave you a 10 out of 10, and the comments were:
- Great presentation. Very informative.
- Excellent presentation.
- made me think.
Christi Spring CEO Institute. - web