Lift your level of Emotional Intelligence
As a former Fellow of The Australian Institute of Company Directors I believe its definition of Coaching is the best. Coaching is instructional, often with a particular goal or focus, such as developing technical or soft skills or related learning and growth, and can be used as a way to train someone on a discrete task or a series of tasks. By contrast, Mentoring is where someone who shares their knowledge, skills and/or experience, to help another to develop and grow. If you examine my backstory you will see I have all three in spades but that is not how I can really help you.
My offer of coaching is totally based on lifting your level of Emotional Intelligence using the 7MTF technology.
What I will and will not do:
If you feel unfulfilled I will not fill the void. However you will learn you how use the most practical people skills technology available which successful people agree is the most important skill of all.
If you are confused about your goals I am of no use to you. However you will learn what are your strengths and weaknesses and how to develop self-mastery which is the first step in lifting your Emotional Intelligence.
If you need the extra push because you have been working to achieve the same goal for a long time and are just not getting there I am of no use to you. However using the 7MTF gave me the personal insights to make several very successful career changes and I can use that experience to help you.
If you are not sure what is important in your life and want to be happier I can help you. The secret to happiness is to lift your Emotional Intelligence by increasing your Social Mastery. namely your empathy and social skills. When you learn the 7MTF your Social Mastery skills will be significantly boosted.
How will the e-coaching work?
First you will need to sign up for six monthly payments of $200 (includes GST.) This is less than the cost of cup of barista coffee per day.
The first step is for you to complete the PEQAS (Personal Emotional Assessment Questionnaire) if you have not already done so. Then you we jointly sign a letter of engagement and a simple form outlining your goals and objectives. (Both are borrowed from the AIM Coaching programme.)
We then complete six on-line coaching sessions. (Prior to each session I will be sending you online videos of to watch. Each video lasts around 30 minutes.):
- The first session takes about 1.5-2 hours where I ask 40 questions based on the Harvard Business School Coaching Questionnaire and where I learn about you and your story.
- The Socialiser, Doublechecker and Artist EQ components. (4 videos)
- The Engineer, Politician and GoGetter components. (3 videos)
- The Regulator EQ Component (1 video)
- Self-Assessment and Self-Management. (2 videos)
- Empathy and Social Skills. (2 videos)
In addition you will be sent two signed copies of The Humm Handbook: Lifting Your Emotional Intelligence (RRP $40) One is for you and another for a colleague. The book and the e-coaching sessions will form the basis of teaching you the 7MTF using the Humm Wadsworth .
After six months you decide whether to continue having e-coaching sessions. If the answer is yes, you do nothing, otherwise contact me to unsubscribe. You may stop anytime after the first six months.
In addition you will be signed up as a participant in my on-line video course
Introduction to Practical Emotional Intelligence: The 7MTF
at no extra cost.
Try before you buy
I would never buy a product or service unless I have done a test drive first. First of all complete this simple quiz and email me your skype address and time zone at
I will contact you when I receive the results and we jointly book a 30 minute consulting session and discuss your results. Based your test drive you can decide whether to invest $99+ GST/month for six months.
If the answer is yes press the Subscribe Button below