Hot Buttons and Objections – Hustler/GoGetters

My Chinese partner, Michael Chen, CEO of Zest Learning in China, has asked to write a series of blogs on what is the key hot button for each of the seven components and what are the likely objections such individuals are likely to provide during a sales call. We have so far dealt with the Politician (P) and Normal (N) components so now let’s consider another common component in decision makers: the Hustler/GoGetter or H component.

Hustler/GoGetters are driven by the desire for material success, i.e. money. This makes them effective managers in capitalist societies. They are driven by the bottom line and bonus compensation systems. According whatever else you do when presenting a proposition you must stress the financial benefits to both the organisation and themselves. Never forget the bottom line.

This leads on the Hustler/GoGetter’s most common objection: Price. It will be raised early in your presentation and then repeated. Unlike the Normal where to give a discount may cost you the sale, the opposite holds with the Hustler/GoGetter. If it is at all possible you should delay giving the answer and provide other benefits of your product first. Otherwise the Hustler/GoGetter will immediately say the price is too high and ask for a discount. Not only will this reaction be quick, it will be sincere. You will find it difficult not to agree instinctively that your price is too high. If, on the other hand you have provided and obtained enough agreed benefits, the Hustler/GoGetter’s request for the discount will be slower and will sound more like a ‘try-on’ in tone.

With Hustler/GoGetters you need to bargain. Indeed they see as an important part of the negotiating process and if you don’t bargain they will feel both uncomfortable and cheated. If Hustler/GoGetters are not given the opportunity to negotiate then they may well lack emotional commitment. One bargaining technique is to offer some other special feature, such as free installation, that has a high perceived value to the customer but a low cost to the selling company

The second objection Your proposition is not good enough is another raised by Hustler/GoGetters. The objection that your proposition is not good enough is rarely stated in such a fashion. The objection generally comes in two formats; either: ‘Do you have it in pink?’ or ‘What if I need it in pink? Hustler/GoGetters expect an immediate answer so, if necessary, improvise. You should not worry if you have to exaggerate or generalise because if they were in your shoes they would do the same. Use humour or a story to defuse the objection. Hustler/GoGetters never admit they were wrong or ignorant; it is important if you wish to remain credible that you do not either.

The best way to answer this type of question was described by Tom Hopkins in his book How to Master the Art of Selling. The technique, known as the ‘porcupine’, is to answer the question with another question which suggests that the prospect will buy the product if the answer is favourable. For example, to the question ‘Can we get this product in pink?’ you should not just answer ‘Yes’. You should say ‘Would you like it in pink?’ This immediately puts the onus on the prospect to tell you whether the question is a real objection and whether the prospect intends to buy. Furthermore, if the product is available in pink, the prospect has said he wants it and not the salesperson. Prospects usually prefer to believe themselves rather than the salesperson and successful sales are often generated by prospects convincing themselves.

The final objection raised by Hustler/GoGetters is I do not like you. Again this is rarely voiced but it is a very common objection for Hustler/GoGetters to make. Hustler/GoGetters divide the world into winners and losers and see themselves as winners. If they think you are a loser they will either not deal with you or squeeze you so hard on price the proposition will have little value for the selling organisation. It is most important that you are perceived as winner. Dress stylishly. Wear a red tie. . For the Hustler/GoGetter, talk about money or recent gambling victories and offer to take the prospect to lunch. Drop names. When asked if you know somebody don’t say no. Instead, do what Hustler/GoGetters always do themselves and stretch the truth. Instead say “Yes, why we had lunch not so long ago. He is very impressive guy, very shrewd.”


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