Does this describe Donald Trump?

As readers of my blogs would know I consider one of the great strengths of my emotional intelligence profiling system (the 7MTF/Humm) is that it uniquely deals with corporate psychopaths.  Furthermore in Donald Trump we have before us a wonderful example of a corporate psychopath in action.  This is the temperament profile that Donald Trump would produce if he took the 5-minute 7MTF/Humm quiz.  How good do you feel is the match?


People with this temperament style are “go getters”, aggressive in chasing their goals and quick to identify opportunities. They focus on achieving financial success and positions of respect and authority. They are thick skinned, tenacious, commercially oriented and financially astute. They are convinced about the need to fight to succeed and, in their determination to get ahead, they are often unaware of the reactions and concerns of others. However, they are often strongly family oriented, being fiercely protective and willing to do just about anything for those close to them. They particularly enjoy self-employment.


Positions of power, authority, esteem and prestige hold great appeal to this style of person, and they can work single-mindedly, with shrewd awareness of political contexts and commercial opportunities. They often find loopholes or opportunities that others may have missed, which allow them to get to where they want to be. They are attracted to positions where there is direct monetary reward for the effort they put in, such as commission based pay structures, and they particularly enjoy the fringe benefits of senior roles, both because these increase life’s comforts and because they are status symbols to others.


They experience pressure or frustration when they encounter barriers to their plans, when their work is not recognised, when they have to perform work which lacks prestige, or when they miss out on what appear to be available financial rewards. In the face of such disappointments, they will not lose heart or go down without a fight. They tend to think strategically and are prepared to make whatever moves they believe to be necessary to regain their competitive or financial advantage. They do, however, need to be careful that they do not put others off side or treat staff inconsiderately since, in focussing on business or personal matters, they can disregard the concerns of those around them.


Their work style is uncomplicated in the sense that it is very directly pointed towards getting results that will enhance their prestige, career and salary. They are generally impatient for success and prepared to experiment with new approaches, but may not do the research required to ensure long-term success. They find ways to work smarter rather than harder, but they do need to be careful to avoid putting expedience before quality. In addition, they need to avoid taking snap decisions that do not take all implications into account. They are effective delegators, being attuned to opportunities to work through others rather than handle everything themselves. However, they do need to be careful that they do not over-delegate, that they take staff needs and concerns into account and give the work of others due credit.


Typically, they are confident and outspoken. They can be argumentative when they are confronted, and openly critical of others in authority, but they can also be very polished, professional and flattering in their approach when they feel that others could be useful to them. This can, however, come across as insincere. They often consider softness or gentleness in others to be a weakness and have little sympathy for people experiencing difficulties.


People of this temperament style generally gravitate toward people who are successful. They are keen to be at the hub of the social scene, and enjoy invitations to attend high profile functions. They are not people who feel the need to spend a great deal of time by themselves, generally enjoying being on the go, often networking and being keen to undertake new and interesting social activities in their free time.

I posted the blog on LinkedIn on 2 February but could not access my WordPress blog until now.




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Chris Golis - Author


"Put in a sales perspective, I loved your presentation! I got a lot from what you talked about and I will read your book."

Peter Morris, Executive Officer, Lomax Financial Group

Your presentation on 'Lifting your Level of Emotional Intelligence" to 10 CEOs scored an average 8.9 out of 10 for the topic and 8.5 for the presentation which is great. A couple of the attendees gave you a 10 out of 10, and the comments were:

- Great presentation. Very informative.

- Excellent presentation.

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