Emotional Intelligence Free White Papers

Chris Golis has written four Free White Papers for download:

The Collapse of Arthur Andersen: A Failure of Emotional Intelligence?

I formally presented this paper at the Seventh International Congress for Emotional Intelligence held in Perth in July 2019. In my lifetime the greatest “mistake” by a Professional Services Organisation would have to be the collapse of Arthur Andersen. The company regarded as the Gold Standard in the USA for ethics and corporate governance went from 85,000 employees to 16 in 2002. In this paper I argue that the real cause of this collapse was a failure of emotional intelligence.

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This White Paper is a case study about Corporate Psychopaths.

The 7MTF: A Practical Tool to Lift Your Emotional Intelligence

In the ten years since I retired from the Australian venture capital industry I gradually developed improvements to the Humm-Wadsworth such as modifying the names of the components, and reframing the underlying mental illnesses. These culminated in the 7MTF model which stands for 7 Motivational Temperament Factors and I formally presented the model at the Sixth International Congress for Emotional Intelligence held in Oporto in July 2017.

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This White Paper describes the 7MTF model of emotional intelligence.

Learn how to influence and motivate others and create more effective relationships – Improve your business relationships & win more sales

In order to motivate and influence others you need to understand what drives peoples’ emotional behaviour, particularly their temperament, and then hone your communications accordingly. To do this, you require a core Emotional Intelligence competency; ‘empathy’ or ‘social awareness’.

This White Paper describes a real tool for developing empathy.

A Practical Tool to Lift Your Emotional Intelligence: The Humm-Wadsworth model of Temperament

This paper provides a history of Emotional Intelligence, and a detailed explanation of a tool to increase it: The Humm-Wadsworth model of temperament. Learn how The Humm was developed, the history of personality theories, and a comparison of other methods of personality profiling.

This White Paper describes the Humm-Wadsworth model of temperament.