Vindication within Seven Days

It is not often I put forward a hypothesis that is quickly and scientifically validated but it has just happened to me.  On 9 August 2020 I published a blog On Bullies and Psychopaths.

In the blog I discussed our experience as venture capitalists when we psych profiled prospective entrepreneurs.  I go into more detail in this blog written eleven years before EQ and the Entrepreneur.

My main hypothesis is that successful entrepreneurs contain three dominant 7MTF EQ components in their temperament: GoGetter, Engineer, and Regulator.  Now vindication has come in this recent post by Emma Young in the 12 August 2020 Research Digest of the British Psychological Society:

“Successful” Psychopaths Learn To Control Their Antisocial Impulses

In her blog Emma describes a seven-year study of 1,354 adolescent offenders carried out by two researchers, Emily Lasko and David S. Chester at Virginia Commonwealth University.  In the study the researchers use the Five Factor Model to distinguish between successful and unsuccessful psychopaths.  The researchers discover the difference is due to the level of conscientiousness in the person’s temperament.  As 7MTF practitioners know Conscientiousness overlaps very strongly with the Engineer EQ component in the 7MTF.

The researchers suggest that psychopathic individuals who develop greater self-regulatory control over their antisocial impulses become relatively more “successful” than their less regulated counterparts.   In the 7MTF model impulse self-control is depends on the level of the Regulator EQ component.

My core belief is that “People Drive Performance, Emotions Drive People; Temperament Drives Emotions”.  If you want to lift your emotional intelligence you need to use a model of temperament that is practical, easy-to-use, and scientifically valid.

The model of temperament I like is the 7MTF.  If you want to learn more about the 7MTF watch this short 4-minute explainer video.  If that awakens your appetite to lift your EQ this online-video course: Introduction to Practical Emotional Intelligence: The 7MTF is now available.

This article was first published on LinkedIn on 13 August 2020.



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Chris Golis - Author


"Put in a sales perspective, I loved your presentation! I got a lot from what you talked about and I will read your book."

Peter Morris, Executive Officer, Lomax Financial Group

Your presentation on 'Lifting your Level of Emotional Intelligence" to 10 CEOs scored an average 8.9 out of 10 for the topic and 8.5 for the presentation which is great. A couple of the attendees gave you a 10 out of 10, and the comments were:

- Great presentation. Very informative.

- Excellent presentation.

- made me think.

Christi Spring CEO Institute. - web